Academies are the creation of this past decade only. Prior to this every body studied by themselves. There was no Google and no Internet. It was a rough competition and raw struggle, all by oneself. 

I have come across scores of young people they need assistance and proper guidance.

They need guidance mainly in the selection of optional subjects and then guidance in taking off the plan of STUDY.


Being a graduate from any university means one had some orientation in either:

Arts, conventional sciences, finance and accounts, engineering and medical techs. etc etc.

There are 4/5 groups in the optional subjects of FPSC competitive exam.

Almost every graduate will find his/her area of experience or aquaintance in one or another group.

Asking anyone for guidance in the selection of subject is tantamount to shifting the burden of selection to someone else, and consequential result.

Selection of subjects may be a perplex issue, but it's your life and you are responsible for all your decisions. Good or bad, it's your baby.


This area really needs ones determination and persistency.

Many youngsters are very anxious and even very vocal to do CSS. In fact most of them declaring their intention of doing CSS in the public gatherings to impress the opposite sex. The seriousness and hollowness ratio can be seen in this data: Watch 2018 CE:

Applied +16000

Appeared +11000

Passed 569

Did you notice 5000 plus didn't bother to sit in the exam. Almost 10000 failed. Just less than 600 made it in the written. They are really SERIOUS .

I'm addressing those who are dead serious, not those who are only bragging.

After you choose your subjects, pick one subject at a time. It's very simple formula.  

Each 100 marks paper needs one hour a day, and that of 200 marks 2 hours daily.

Now. Start from compulsory papers and take one paper/subject at a time. For compulsory papers the available sources are the newspapers, magazines, tv, social media and the COMPANY YOU KEEP.

You need to pin point your target and get the fighting equipment and start. You must reserve one hour for newspapers, 30 minutes for tv news and 15 minutes for social media every day.

Besides the front page headlines the central pages with articles on economic and politics are very essential reading. 

Better open a seperate file for every national and international issue. Cut the articles (write the name of paper with date) and put it in a seperate file. Similar article or comments from tv or social media should be jotted down in a blank sheet and added to that very file. With the passage of time the file may grow with each new development and you duly in touch.

Same goes to Essay, precis and composition.

In fact according to my humble thinking the essay is chosen mostly from the world crisis and national dilemmas; could be religious, political, social or economical.

If you study properly the newspapers, you get the material for essay right from here. Only the method of writing and coherence of your ideas and expression is left to your discretion and capability.

Same goes to optional subjets. One hour for 100 marks paper and 2 hours for 200 marks subject.

Open the syllabus, choose the book to cover the syllabus. Try to increase your reading speed. You need minimum 30 pages to cover in an hour. Keep highlighting the major points. At the end of the chapter copy the highlighted points in a register. By the way you need one thick register for each subject. 

Every Sunday you revise you notes and see how much you have learnt.

The first 3 weeks will be like fasting in July, but the 4th week will look like a barath of your friend. You will be pacing leasurely with pleasure, listening to the echos of the drums in your ears. These are images of your study popping up in your mind and you actually don't want to be disturbed by anyone. When you reach to this point that you don't want to be approached by anyone you have reached your goal. 

Like a lover who said:.

Kabhi jo uske khialon may kho sa jatha hun / 

woh khud bhi bath kare tho bura lage hey mujhe.

Wish you best of luck.


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